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Seascape Ecology Lab: Our Culture & Values

This page is a living document that will evolve through time to reflect the values we wish to reflect

Collaboration and Inclusivity

  • This lab is an inclusive space that celebrates and respects diversity, including but not limited to: race, ethnicity, culture, religion, philosophy, gender, disability, socioeconomic status, age and sexual orientation

  • Sharing, discussing and giving feedback on ideas with peers and colleagues inside and outside the lab is a really important way to test, develop and improve your ideas and skills


  • At its core, we believe that research requires mastery of the scientific process and existing knowledge, but that new work is built on creativity

  • Research work requires continuous learning, a great deal of trial and error, and demands to be rigorously challenged. Don’t be afraid to fail as you try new things. Trying out new ideas is how we make progress, and no-one gets it right the first time

Professionalism & Respect

  • The Seascape Ecology Lab is a professional setting through which we are meeting and working with peers and colleagues who have the potential to shape our future career paths, and will be treated as a professional space

  • As peers and colleagues, we respect each others’ time, viewpoints and skills​​


We Follow the Data

  • We give and value different opinions, and respect data, not hierarchy

  • Anyone is welcome to critique or question anyone else’s work providing that the critique is made in good faith to be constructive

  • If in doubt, we ask questions and seek clarification before moving ahead

We Deliver Our Best Work, Every Time

  • Exhaustion and over-working are not status symbols that are valued in this lab. 

  • Our best work will never be perfect, but it will be completed to our highest standards

  • We understand that our best will vary over time

  • I expect us all to work towards finding an appropriate work-life balance, so that we are able to bring our best work to the lab

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